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发布时间:2023-05-17 20:08:20来源:网络转载
Wintry boughs against a wintry sky;冬日的樹枝映衬着天庭; Yet the sky is partly blue 幾多苍穹仍湛藍盈盈,    And the clouds are partly bright:—  還有幾多明亮的雲層。  Who can tell but sap is mounting high而元氣正漸漸攀昇—   Out of sight,  誰能看得分明:  Ready to burst through? 隨時欲衝騰?Winter is the mother-nurse of Spring,冬季乃是春天的保姆, Lovely for her daughters sake, 迷人因其女之故,   Not unlovely for her own :  其自身丑陋—倒也並不:For a future buds in everything;因爲萬物終將萌芽復甦;   Grown, or blown,  或開花,成熟,  Or about to break. 或行將破土。 —by Christina Georgina ROSSETTI(1830—1894)译注:*此诗题系英国著名诗人济慈(John Keats,1795-1821)的 商籁诗《致荷马》( To HOMER)之第11行(可参阅敝博拙译)。
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